Monday, February 8, 2010

Age old debate isn't really a debate

I think I have come to the conclusion that there isn't a debate whether a mother/woman should stay home and be a homemaker or go to work. Really, what it boils down to is following God's calling on your life. He doesn't call everyone to stay home and He doesn't call everyone to go to work.

Our responsibility as believing women in the Body of Christ is to support our sisters in whatever God is calling them to whether it is working or staying home.

I am a very black and white person. I have to work hard to see shades of grey on any situation including this long debated topic. It is freeing to finally reconcile that God calls some women to work and He calls some to stay home. Although across the board, He calls us to love and care for our families first and foremost. So, if He is asking you to work, He will give you the grace to work and if He is asking you to stay home, He will give you the grace to stay home.

As for me, I don't know yet if my days will be changing in this respect. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 11.5 years and now may be the time that I go back to work. I will continue to pray and ask God where He wants me to serve Him. I will live my life with an open hand to be ready to go where ever He is calling me.