Our dreams for our lives don't matter in comparison to what His dream is for us. That is where we find contentment. In His plan for our life is where we find our purpose and joy. "For I know the plans I have for you..."(Jeremiah 29:11) He has created you with certain strengths, certain weaknesses. He has placed a plan in your heart. Once you cut through all the flesh (desires of Self) you will see what His plan is for you. The more you pray for Him to lead your life the more you will gravitate towards what He has purposed for you--His will (plan) for your life.
Sit with Him today. Ask Him to show you the plan He has for you. What direction does He want you to go? Then be silent. Wait on the Lord. He may not answer right away. This may be an ongoing question you ask. Make sure to allow space to in you prayer life to sit quietly before the Throne giving God time to respond. You will begin to hear Him speak to you.
Here's a little peek into what I have been dialoguing with God about for awhile now. We have been discussing the concept of Spiritual Direction also called Spiritual Formation. I was first introduced to Spiritual Direction through a book entitled, Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit by noted author, speaker, teacher, Henri Nouwen. I remember the day I met this book like it was yesterday. I was at the public library scanning the books on the shelf in the Christian non-fiction section when this one jumped off the shelf and into my hands! Noooo...that's not what happened. Books can't jump. Silly me!
Seriously, I saw the title and thought, like any conservative evangelical Christian, "What is Spiritual Formation?" and "Is this New Age?" My curiosity got the best of me and I started flipping through it which led to a voracious read through the first chapter while standing in that row of books. I couldn't put it down. Here someone was putting to paper what I had been longing for. I checked it out and read it a couple times in the 2 weeks we had together.
At that time, my ears became sensitive to those 2 little words and the Holy Spirit began teaching me about Spiritual Direction. I learned that this practice is common in Catholic, Mennonite, Methodist, Lutheran, and Presbyterian circles. However, it is just now inching its way into Evangelical Christianity. Although it is practiced outside of Christianity by several other religions it isn't New Age when fixed on the Author and Perfecter of our Faith and led by the Holy Spirit. Like anything else in the world, what God has created, the enemy has the ability to twist and warp it in such a way that the focus is taken off of Jesus Christ and onto Self.
For the last couple years, I have been praying, pleading, begging God for the opportunity to be trained as a Spiritual Director. I still have never experienced spiritual direction but I want to so badly! I have looked into a few programs for certification as well as a few master's degree options and just haven't sensed God releasing me to pursue it yet. So, I keep praying.
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