Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Bustos Academy Opens Tomorrow

Tomorrow at 9 AM the "Bustos Academy" will open for our first day of school. This is the name that the state of Indiana gave us when I transferred my 6th grader to our homeschool from public school. So, we are running with it. I have spent the better part of this school year praying, praying, and then praying some more about bringing the kids home. God has given me the strength and the courage to do what I have perceived, "The Impossible."

One child will start tomorrow and the others will begin full time in June. It has been an intense winter and spring, learning everything I can about different philosophies of education and trying to hybrid the best of all of them into one teaching philosophy that will anchor us. I have settled on combining Charlotte Mason and Classical education for the bulk of our schooling and adding a dash of unit studies and a pinch of workbooks. Given we are transitioning to an all year school calendar, I think all these will flow well together.

I am excited for school tomorrow and am looking forward to what this year has for all of us! I know there will be tremendous growth and educational progress!

Friday, March 26, 2010


I like to think that I am on a tantum ride with God moving or transitioning from one phase of life to another. He is riding with me every revolution I make, He is there.

Transition would be the word to best describe my year so far. I have transitioned from being a stay at home mom to being a working mother. I have transitioned from one area of ministry to another.

I have begun to transition my children home to start homeschooling. My tastes are in transition as well. Today, I would much rather read children's literature full of fanciful imaginative characters then read a biography.

This fluidity of life keeps me active and engaged. The best part is that all this transition is done under the constant companionship of a God who is unmoved. I can work or not work, read or not read, teach or not teach--all under the watchful loving gaze of my Father.