Friday, April 22, 2011


We live with one foot in heaven and one foot on earth. We are eternal heavenly beings that happen to be wrapped in temporal earthly bodies. Fasting magnifies the difference between our souls and our flesh. We come face to face with the intense cravings our bodies have for the physical; as well as, the intense love the Saviour has for us.

During a fast our spiritual ears are turned towards heaven and the Holy Spirit's voice is clear. We have more awareness of our prayer-life. Likewise, we are in a state of denial to our bodies and the screams of desire are just as clear. The beauty of this juxtaposition is that we can discern between the two more clearly. There isn't an overlapping--a mistaking carnality for God's voice or God's voice for carnality.

What do I mean by that? Well, sometimes, we may desire something so strong in our flesh that we start believing it is what God wants for us. Then we are devastated when God doesn't move in that direction in our lives. A few years ago, I went through this very thing. I had wanted to be an attorney. It was such a drive for me and I truly believed it was what God wanted for me as well. It wasn't. I was getting ready to apply to law schools when the Lord stopped me. It was what my flesh wanted so badly that I thought for sure God wanted it for me. I thought this was my destiny. Not now it isn't. He may grant me that desire down the road, but for now--it isn't where I am to be.

Fasting is a small way to demonstrate to the Father that you are listening and you crave His words for you and His direction for your life above all the desires of this world. I want to know God intimately, so badly that I will give up anything--even food--to know Him more.

Have you ever contemplated this spiritual discipline? Prayed about it? That's exactly where you start. Fasting, or any spiritual discipline for that matter, isn't legalistic. It isn't something we do because we "should" or to look more "holy". God looks at our hearts--our motivations. Spiritual disciplines are motivated by our desire to know God deeper. They aren't motivated by any outer influence.

Spiritual disciplines are done in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide us, teach us, and strengthen us. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to go without solid food for a season. He is all wise and knows whether our bodies are ready for such an undertaking.

Take it to the Lord in prayer and He will show you when you can fast, what you shall abstain from during your fast, and when the fast is completed. Again, spiritual disciplines are Holy Spirit lead. It is a rich time of fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

 May you continue to grow in God's grace and love for you as you explore more of the spiritual disciplines.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring is in the Air and Love is Everywhere

I just love spring! It is my favorite season and it holds my favorite holiday, Easter.

I don’t love Easter because of the fluffy bunny that breaks into homes in the
middle of the night and hops into living rooms with baskets of goodies for
children everywhere. I don’t love Easter for the big family dinner full of good food
and laughter. Rather, I love Easter because of the selfless act of Grace that was
done that day on our behalf.

On that day, God transformed the world through His love. His crucifixion not only
forgives our trespasses, but it also beckons us to come into His presence and live
in communion with Him for eternity. This invitation can only be given because the
power of sin has been rendered powerless. No longer are we slaves of the enemy.
We have been given a new identity. We are now co-heirs with Christ,
daughters of the King.

Furthermore, His grace allows us to enter into relationship with Him
right here, right now. We don’t have to wait until this shell of a body
passes away. The Holy Spirit is guiding us and teaching us. He is
transforming us—changing us into the image of the Father.

2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all, with unveiled face,
beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed
into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the