Monday, June 20, 2011

Memory Lane

We all are hardwired with memory both short and long term. The short term memory is great for jotting down information from one page to another or for any other short-lived situation. The long term memory has the ability to remember simple things from the multiplication table you learned in third grade to more weighty complex issues of the heart that happened years ago.

It’s because of our long term memory that our childhood often comes back into play whenever we smell a certain scent or hear a certain phrase being said. I relish the memories of playing dolls on the porch or roller skating in the garage. These are sweet times of childhood where I felt free to be me. I felt joy. I felt peace. Then there are the not-so-fun memories: the times when joy and peace were absent. The times when I felt alone and unloved—abandoned.

God created us with this storehouse of long term memory. He is well aware that we carry our past with us in our present and our future. Furthermore, He instructs us in His word where to rest our memories.

The word “remember” occurs 168 times in the scriptures. So what does God want us to remember—only the good ‘ole days? Surely, He doesn’t want us to remember the difficult times, the times of suffering? It must be important to Him for it to be said often. Let’s look at one together.

Deuteronomy 15:15 says, “You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you…”

Hum. This would indicate that we will remember the negative circumstances in our past BUT…there is a wonderful second part to this…we are to remember how the Lord worked. In the case of the Israelites, they were to remember how God redeemed them from slavery.

The negative is slavery. The positive is God’s redemption.

I want to encourage you when faced with hard memories that evoke hard emotions to stop and pray. Tell God about your hurt. Share with Him this memory. Then ask Him to heal it and replace it with His love. Ask Him to take the hurt out. Ask Him where you need to grant forgiveness and/or you may need to ask someone to forgive you.

Ask Him where He was during that time. Quiet your heart and listen to His still small voice. He is gentle. He is love. He is speaking. Ask Him to redeem that circumstance—that emotion. It may take a bit but eventually when your mind triggers that negative long term memory you will be left with God’s story of redemption.

There are volumes more that can be discussed when it comes to memory and what God wants us to remember and what He remembers. Yes, He is a God who remembers.

If you have a few minutes look up the word “remember” in your concordance or in and spend some time reading what the scriptures say about memory.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Extravagant Love

Yesterday, we were out of town for a soccer tourney. In between games, we headed to the mall. I took one of my daughters into the Disney store. After looking around for a few minutes, I asked the sales woman if they had any Snow White PJ's. (My daughter's birthday is in a couple days and she is in the need for PJ's--perfect combo!) Well the sales woman agrees with me and my daughter that Snow White doesn't have enough representation in the store; HOWEVER, there is a new Snow White night gown that will be on the shelves the middle of June.

She offered to take down our name and number and call us when it was available for sale. I told her that we didn't live in that town, but we would for sure be looking for it at our store. I then asked my daughter if she wanted that nightgown to be a late birthday present. After hearing me ask her this question, the sales woman asked us to follow her to the back of the store and wait for her at the door. We did. She came back with the night gown and said she didn't know if they would have these at other stores or not.

She called her boss back and asked if they could sell it to us anyway since my daughter's birthday is this next week and all. The store manager agreed and all 4 of us walked to the register super excited. When we got to the register, the store manager made a birthday button for my daughter and gave her a cardboard birthday crown. After the evening shower, the nightgown went on and the squeals commenced until bedtime. She was so happy, she was almost crying.

You know what? My daughter had been extravagantly loved by the Father. God knows my daughter's heart. He knows how much she adores Snow White. He knows what will touch her heart more than anything else. Here was a treasure she wasn't even seeking. Something so wonderful and she didn't even know it existed.

We have all been given an extravagant treasure. He is called Jesus. God knew what would touch our hearts more than anything else. Jesus is our treasure we weren't even seeking. Someone wonderful and we didn't even know about Him when He was given to us. What a wonderful God to love us extravagantly by giving us His son.

Thank you Father. Your love is extravagant. Thank you for Your Son. Thank you for blessing us.