Yesterday morning I went for a walk along a new walking trail by my house. While I was walking, I began to worship the God of the universe who made such natural beauty! Soon, I caught myself admiring the weeds that were mixed in with the flowers. They were flowering and full of color just like the wild flowers that lined the trail.
The Spirit impressed upon me the deceit that I was admiring. Here were these flowering weeds that on the surface were pleasant to the eye and blended right in with the flowers and bushes that lined the walk. Under the ground; however, it is a very different story. Their roots are spreading and choking the roots systems of the flowers close by.
We all have weeds in our lives that try to choke the Spirit’s work. Maybe your weeds are in the form of a bad relationship, or an addiction. Maybe they look like disbelief, gossip or pride. At first our weeds can seem very beautiful—even pious. We may feel loved or like we have control in an area. We may think that we have all our ducks in a row, and it is the guy in the pew ahead of us that is the mess.
The problem is that the longer the weed stays in your life, the tighter the grip and the harder it is to break free. Pretty soon, the beautiful weeds appear to look just like the flowers in our lives and it becomes harder and harder to pry the lie from the truth.
Take some time and ask God to show you the flowers and weeds in your life then be available to let the Holy Spirit do some weeding.
Col 2:8, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.”
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