I am not an evangelical that is more concerned with the cause of conservative political values than the gospel of Christ. Lately, I think too many western Christians are focusing on the causes and the agendas that are temporary rather than focusing on the Eternal Word of God.
The time has come for us to put all this stuff in perspective. There is a difference between some one's vision versus some one's cause. A cause isn't something we build our lives on. We don't spend our entire lives focused on a cause--it is something we are intentional about for a season of our lives. On the other hand, a vision is something we embrace whole heartedly. It is our stream of life. Usually visions are more long term than causes and we put our whole heart into carrying out our vision. I know that politics have their place and someone has to be the mouth piece for conservative values, BUT it has become our vision instead of a cause.
My ultimate vision is to see those around me have an organic and intimate relationship with the living breathing God Almighty. My vision isn't for politics that are a part of the earthly social structure that is going to pass away. Christian, stop being distracted and start focusing on the Kingdom of Heaven. It is at hand.
Here, here! I couldn't agree more. Preach it sister.