This is a perfect morning. The weather is in the perfect 70's, and the sunlight is filtering down to the ground through the trees where it dances harmoniously with the breeze. It seems as if nothing can touch this sacred hour when I meet with the Father of Lights over a cup of coffee and some scripture. My heart lightens up during this hour and I give up the burdens I so willingly carry on my own.
Interestingly enough, He tells me to read Matthew 6. Many of you know this is where Jesus is teaching his disciples about "kingdom living". Specifically, what priorities and heart choices should be made for those who Follow Christ. My eye is drawn to Matthew 6:19-34. In this section, Jesus tells his beloved disciples not to focus on the riches and wealth of this earth but for their hearts to be centered on the riches of heaven. He quotes in verse 24, "You cannot serve God and wealth."
Directly after teaching that the disciples hearts need to wholly fixed on God and not to be mastered by wealth, He tells them not to worry. Oh dear, this is my vice. It is one thing to say, I will have a heart focused on heaven and not be entrapped by this world, but it is a whole different thing to walk it out worry-free. No anxiety? This is possible?
Jesus says not to worry about food or clothing, but to rely on the Father who loves us more than all of creation. Worry can be paralyzing. We can be anxious about money, our health, our children, etc, etc...It is easier said than done. It is so simple to say, "I have given my burdens to the Lord." But have we really? Have I really? Have I really chosen to live in the light of that truth? Have I said, "Yes Lord, you have me under your wing, I will trust you completely and not be anxious."
Ah, that is the foundation of our anxious worrying--trust. Do we trust the Lord? Do we BELIEVE that He will carry us through whatever storm we are heading into, or already consumed by? Mercifully, this anxiety I feel gets a reprieve whenever I am with the Father, focusing on Him, dwelling on His word, conversing with him.
Oh Father, weed out this worry that invades my soul. Dig to the root and dispose of the lies that I have given ear to. I do not want to succumb to the serpent who says that God cannot be trusted. My soul desires your goodness, your mercy, your love above all else. Make my focus be eternally on You. I trust You!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Summer Science Project
The Bustos Academy summer science project kicks off this week. We will be learning about gardening. The kids will be responsible for raising 2 vegetables each. They have to measure the plants, study the different parts of the plants and seeds, as well as learn about composting and rain barrels. A trip to see Grandma's worm farm is included too!
We also will study gardens from around the world and see who is planting what. Furthermore, we will read "The Secret Garden" together and go see different gardens in the area such as TallTree Arboretum, Ogden Gardens, maybe Creme de la Crop and the Chicago Botanical Gardens. It will be a great summer unit study!
We also will study gardens from around the world and see who is planting what. Furthermore, we will read "The Secret Garden" together and go see different gardens in the area such as TallTree Arboretum, Ogden Gardens, maybe Creme de la Crop and the Chicago Botanical Gardens. It will be a great summer unit study!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Field Trip

We are getting ready to go on our first Homeschool Mega-Field Trip. After a month long unit study on the Revoluntionary War and Colonial Life, we are heading to Colonial Williamsburg.
I think I am more excited than the kids. Granted, they are excited to go to VA but I am excited to get away and head off on a retreat of sorts! It seems that our schedules are just crazy right now and full of appointments. It will be good to have a week to exhale all the busy-ness of life and just inhale my family and love on them solely.
I want to know what makes my girls feel beautiful and my son feel strong. I want to encourage them this vacation week to walk in those things and know that there is a God who sees their beauty and strength and loves them inmeasurably. Isn't this what vacations are for? To pour into our children our time, and love. Oh, I am sooo excited!
colonial williamsburg,
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