We are getting ready to go on our first Homeschool Mega-Field Trip. After a month long unit study on the Revoluntionary War and Colonial Life, we are heading to Colonial Williamsburg.
I think I am more excited than the kids. Granted, they are excited to go to VA but I am excited to get away and head off on a retreat of sorts! It seems that our schedules are just crazy right now and full of appointments. It will be good to have a week to exhale all the busy-ness of life and just inhale my family and love on them solely.
I want to know what makes my girls feel beautiful and my son feel strong. I want to encourage them this vacation week to walk in those things and know that there is a God who sees their beauty and strength and loves them inmeasurably. Isn't this what vacations are for? To pour into our children our time, and love. Oh, I am sooo excited!
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