Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do You Trust Me? Do You Trust Me, Now?

Verizon Wireless used to have this highly successful multi-media marketing campaign with a guy who would move from location to location while on his cell phone. He would ask the questions, “Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?” to the person he was talking to on the phone.

During this life, God walks with us through experience after experience. At certain times, He asks the questions, “Do you TRUST me? Do you TRUST me now?” I have to say, if that is the follow-up question to a situation, chances are it isn’t a pleasant experience to walk through.

I know for me, I usually want to quickly learn whatever there is to learn and get out—never to return. There is never an idea of being patient or content in a trial…at first.

However, the longer I have walked with the Savior and the more experiences this life has brought, I have learned that the goal isn’t always the destination but it is the journey. I have learned to be content in the trial and patient for His hand to move.

I know He will move in all my circumstances, I know that He will work all things to His glory, and this hope—this trust in who He is—gives me great peace and provides me with the patience to endure. Now, I can say with confidence, “YES! I trust you. I trust you now.”

James 2:2-5; Galatians 5:22

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