Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Meditative Ponderings

God and I have been talking over the topic of prosperity--specifically financial blessings. I know that we can be prosperous in many different areas including the tangible and the intangible. However, my talks with God have seemed to be about  money in the Church lately. Here's a series of questions that have been lobbed back and forth in my quiet time:

Me: Why do we (the Church--Body of Christ in U.S.) pray for prosperity?

Me: Why do we assume You will bless us financially?

Still Small Voice: Why do you expect your own storehouse to be continually full? My storehouse is always
                           full and it is for the greater Body not just one part or one person.

Still Small Voice: When I bless you with finances will you give them to the parts of the Body that need it or
                          will you keep it for yourself?

Still Small Voice: Do you love Me or the good gifts I give?

Still Small Voice: If you don't have money, does that mean you aren't loved by Me?

Me: Why do we feel we have a "right" to money?

Me: How much of this "right" comes from the culture we live in and not from where we hold our citizenship?

Still Small Voice: Why do you make a claim of entitlement on something that is a gift from me
                           to you? There is no need to demand a gift. It is given when I give it--be content and have
                           patience. Remember the lilies of the valley and the birds of the air. Rest in Me, I will

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