Monday, December 26, 2011

A Good and Perfect Gift

In November of this year, a friend and I were having coffee and she related to me a fantastic symbol for the Holy Spirit. She described how we have been pledged to Jesus and are His bride; however, the marriage isn't until Revelation. In the meantime, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our seal and live in us. He is our "engagement ring". This comparison of the Holy Spirit with an engagement ring spoke to my heart.

After she left, I thanked God for sending the Holy Spirit to me to be my "engagement ring". I began praying for a physical ring to wear on my right hand to remind me of the Holy Spirit in me. I began to pray for a blue sapphire ring which would remind me of my heavenly home. One of my journal entries from the beginning of December reads, "Lord, please provide a blue sapphire ring to remind me that your Holy Spirit is dwelling in me. He is my seal. He is my 'engagement ring' He is the promise of You in me. I wait for your provision."

So during the Christmas season, I looked around at sapphire rings and prayed that God would provide for me to purchase one. On Christmas Eve, we went to my mother's house and ate a wonderful meal and opened gifts. All the while I was still praying for a sapphire ring with each rip of wrapping paper. The last gift was given to me to open and what did I find inside but a blue sapphire ring! Along with this beautiful ring was a beautiful letter from my mother explaining why she chose to give me a sapphire ring.

 The Lord is good. He heard my prayers for a ring to remind me of Him and gave a good and perfect ring to me--all the more sweet by the lovely letter from my mom.

Not only is this ring a symbol of the Holy Spirit living in me but it has also become a symbol of prayer. God hears our prayers and gives us gentle kisses (such as my sapphire ring) to remind us that He is living and does hear our prayers. 

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