Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What now?

I'm restless, I'm all discombobulated inside. I know (or think I know) that God has called me to a life of service to Him. I have had the presumed understanding with Him that this is walked out in full time ministry. However, now I am second guessing that calling and wondering if what I have been called to is for another season of my life. See, I am not seeing the financial provision that I assumed would be there when I stepped out in faith months ago.

I'm trying hard to evaluate my motivations and don't want to live a life of fear. I don't want to forsake faith for self sufficiency. I also don't want to be stupid but have wisdom for daily living. There has to be a balance between faith and wisdom.

The Israelites had it pretty easy. They had the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night to follow. It was relatively easy to do the will of God. Seems crazy to me that they still had doubts about God's provision in their lives. My word, he was dropping food from heaven every day for them to eat. I assume their clothes didn't wear out either. Even though they lived among miracles everyday they still doubted God's provision and His ability to take care of them.

God, give me clear direction. I just want a cloud to follow or a pillar of fire to tell me where to go. Above all else, please drop manna from heaven and show me your provision in my life. Make it obvious to me that it is You.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Spiritual Director

I've been chewing on the idea of Spiritual Direction for the last few months. I was at the library looking through the rows of Christian living books when this book called "Spiritual Direction" by Henri Nouwen caught my eye. Henri introduced me to the concept of Spiritual Direction and this book introduced me to Henri!

After I finished reading that book, I read a few more on the topic and started praying about the concept of Spiritual Direction. God has been throwing the words "Spiritual Direction" and "Spiritual Formation" in my path ever since. He even has brought a couple people around who are knowledgeable about SD. I have so enjoyed our conversations.

What I have gathered is that SD isn't like counseling which focuses on interpersonal relationships of an individual or like life coaching which focuses on an individual's career/ministry path. SD is focused on the relationship one has with the living Saviour. A Spiritual Director walks with an individual for a season to help them discern the movement of God in their life.

The role of Spiritual Director in the Church is prevelent in many sects of Christianity such as Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, and Mennonite. The cool thing about Spiritual Diector is that it isn't focused on the doctrines that seperate out the denominations but is focused on the experiential knowledge of the Divine that we meet in the Bible and in our own lives. A non-Catholic can see a Spiritual Director that is Catholic and not feel out of place. I love it!

For now, I will keep reading and thinking about SD and what my part, if any, is to play in this area of minstry.