Friday, June 4, 2010

My Kindle Science Experiment

An interesting development has occurred with one of my children who is diagnosed with visual perception disorder. (Basically, he has dyslexic tendencies and it takes longer for his brain to process information that comes in through his eyes.) This interesting development has come in the form of our Kindle.

Recently, I was having a talk with my son about what he sees when he reads. It always surprises him when I tell him that words don't move around on the pages that I am reading, and it always surprises me that they do for him. Anyway, I asked him to read a bit on my kindle.  He looked up from the device and said, "So this is what it looks like for you, huh?"

The words stayed in place! Nothing shifted! So, I asked him if the words stayed in place on the computer screen. He said the computer is better than books, magazines, etc... but there is still some slight movement. The kindle kept every single word still! No movement at all! We now use the Kindle daily in his schooling.

Here's a few questions I would like to ask which could proof or disproof my theory that e-readers are beneficial to dyslexics.

1. If you have dyslexic tendencies, is reading on the computer screen better for you than books, magazines, etc...?

2. If you have or know someone with dyslexic tendencies, have they tried reading from an e-reader and what was the result?

3. If reading from an e-reader meant no more dyslexia would you invest in one for your children?

4. If e-readers are proven therapy for various dyslexic tendencies would you want to see a literacy charity of some sort working with the schools and/or communities to get e-readers donated to kids who would benefit from them?

Note: I just have to say that I love my kindle! I looked at the Nook the last time I was in a Barnes & Noble and came away liking my Kindle better. Nook does have more bells and whistles on it but I'm good with my kindle. The kindle is a little lighter and the average book costs less with it than with the Nook.I also have looked at the SONY e-reader and wasn't impressed with the selection or the fact that it had to be connected to my computer to download books onto it.

1 comment:

  1. Have you looked at the iPad? I wonder if it would be like a computer screen for I?
